Last weekend

For the last weekend of the festival, exhibitions at The Pulperie, the Library of Chicoutimi, the Corniche, the pavilion of arts and media technologies are ending November 29.

Those that were presented to the Zone portuaire, the Centre des arts and the pavillon des croisières (La Baie) are completed.

Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We take note of your comments so that this situation does not happen again next year.
Your comments are important to us and this is thanks to you that the festival will grow.

Michel Tremblay
Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay Director

Zoom on #Dysturb with @LaFab

As part of the 6th edition of Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay, the team of La fabrique culturelle witnessed the hanging of photographs from #Dysturb group in the streets of Chicoutimi. Photojournalists dedicated to make their photos available to everyone by offering large format works.

Check out the video [French] at :

Spotlight on Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay at

Read the article The Little Photo Festival That Could by Laurence Cornet on

Zoom, a fledgling photography gathering in Canada, is urging photographers to invent their own rules and forge their own paths.

Thanks to Laurence Cornet, Blink, Laurence Butet-Roch, Michel Tremblay and all the photographers of this year’s Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay.

Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay’s photojournalists on Blink

Many photojournalists will meet in Saguenay for the festival launch. It will be possible to follow them on this interactive map from Blink, a platform for media professionals to discover, connect, and organize a global network of media professionals.

If you’re a photojournalist in Saguenay for the festival, add our Web Manager to your Blink contacts to appear on this map.

Judith Prat, winner of the 6th edition of the Human Nature contest

Saguenay, September 15th 2015 – Groupe Photo Média International, the Centre for Sustainable Development and Eurêko are pleased to announce photographer Judith Prat winner of the sixth edition of the photography contest Human Nature (previously the Man and the Environment). « The theme Human Nature proposes a look at the way humans can be influenced by his environment, that is to say by the conditions, both natural and cultural, that make up the frame of his life and that are susceptible to have an impact on him », explains Michel Tremblay, director of the festival.

The Spanish photographer visited Rubaya in North Kivu of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to photograph working conditions of coltan miners. The DRC has 80% of world reserves of coltan, a black or reddish-brown mineral essential in manufacturing of electronic components. The country was plunged into an extremely complex conflict with some 20 different armed groups in North Kivu and South Kivu that are financed out of the control of the mines. Miners working conditions are extremely difficult and dangerous, the mineral extraction being done in a traditional way.

Photographer : Judith Prat
Photographer : Judith Prat

Selection Committee
This year’s selection committee was composed of Laurence Butet-Roch (Freelance photo editor, writer and photographer, Member of the Boreal Collective), Martin Tremblay (Photographer for La Presse), Éric Côté (Photographer, TV Director and Board member of Groupe Photo Média International), Amélie Ferland-Dufresne (Director of communications and programming for the Centre for Sustainable Development), Aude Crispel, (Web developer for the Centre for Sustainable Development) et Roger Lemoyne (Freelance photographer, People in the News Prize World Press Photo 1999)

The photos will be displayed during the sixth edition of Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay from November 4 to 29, 2015 and the Centre for Sustainable Development in Montreal in January 2016.



Zoom photo festival saguenay et le consulat general de France à québec sont heureux de distinguer le travail d’Alexis Aubin

Organisé pour la première fois par ZOOM PHOTO FESTIVAL SAGUENAY et le Consulat général de France à Québec, le prix de la relève en photojournalisme permet à un jeune photographe de vivre un séjour de professionnalisation au festival PORTRAIT(S) de Vichy du 12 au 25 juillet 2015.

Le thème de la tolérance a inspiré de nombreux artistes-reporters. Nous remercions tous les participants et tenons à les féliciter pour leur travail. Le jury, composé de, Laurence Butet-­Roch – photographe collectif Boréal, journaliste Éric Côté – Réalisateur, caméraman, photographe Jean-­Baptiste Gabbero et Laurent Lalanne – Consulat Général de France à Québec, Michel Tremblay – Photographe et directeur général et artistique Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay a choisi de récompenser le photoreportage en portraits d’Alexis Aubin, à la fois politique et poétique.

Basé à Montréal et représenté par le Studio Hans Lucas, Alexis se dédie à documenter ce qui se passe sur le continent américain. Ses travaux ne sont pas motivés par l’actualité mais plutôt par une envie de raconter le monde, d’exprimer les conflits qui l’entourent et l’impact qu’ils ont sur ses semblables. « Je crois que le médium photographique peut être le miroir de l’absurdité du monde et c’est cette vision que je m’efforce de développer. »

Des habitants du 2019 se détendent en compagnie d'amis. Plusieurs recherchent en ces lieux une forme de plénitude. La pratique du yoga et de la méditation y sont répandues. Residents of the 2019 are relaxing with friends. People are often looking for a sense of fullness in this building. Yoga and meditation practices are common there.
Des habitants du 2019 se détendent en compagnie d’amis. Plusieurs recherchent en ces lieux une forme de plénitude. La pratique du yoga et de la méditation y sont répandues. Residents of the 2019 are relaxing with friends. People are often looking for a sense of fullness in this building. Yoga and meditation practices are common there.

