Zoom on #Dysturb with @LaFab

As part of the 6th edition of Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay, the team of La fabrique culturelle witnessed the hanging of photographs from #Dysturb group in the streets of Chicoutimi. Photojournalists dedicated to make their photos available to everyone by offering large format works.

Check out the video [French] at :


Spotlight on Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay at Medium.com

Read the article The Little Photo Festival That Could by Laurence Cornet on Medium.com

Zoom, a fledgling photography gathering in Canada, is urging photographers to invent their own rules and forge their own paths.

Thanks to Laurence Cornet, Blink, Laurence Butet-Roch, Michel Tremblay and all the photographers of this year’s Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay.

Zoom photo festival saguenay et le consulat general de France à québec sont heureux de distinguer le travail d’Alexis Aubin

Organisé pour la première fois par ZOOM PHOTO FESTIVAL SAGUENAY et le Consulat général de France à Québec, le prix de la relève en photojournalisme permet à un jeune photographe de vivre un séjour de professionnalisation au festival PORTRAIT(S) de Vichy du 12 au 25 juillet 2015.

Le thème de la tolérance a inspiré de nombreux artistes-reporters. Nous remercions tous les participants et tenons à les féliciter pour leur travail. Le jury, composé de, Laurence Butet-­Roch – photographe collectif Boréal, journaliste Éric Côté – Réalisateur, caméraman, photographe Jean-­Baptiste Gabbero et Laurent Lalanne – Consulat Général de France à Québec, Michel Tremblay – Photographe et directeur général et artistique Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay a choisi de récompenser le photoreportage en portraits d’Alexis Aubin, à la fois politique et poétique.

Basé à Montréal et représenté par le Studio Hans Lucas, Alexis se dédie à documenter ce qui se passe sur le continent américain. Ses travaux ne sont pas motivés par l’actualité mais plutôt par une envie de raconter le monde, d’exprimer les conflits qui l’entourent et l’impact qu’ils ont sur ses semblables. « Je crois que le médium photographique peut être le miroir de l’absurdité du monde et c’est cette vision que je m’efforce de développer. »

Des habitants du 2019 se détendent en compagnie d'amis. Plusieurs recherchent en ces lieux une forme de plénitude. La pratique du yoga et de la méditation y sont répandues. Residents of the 2019 are relaxing with friends. People are often looking for a sense of fullness in this building. Yoga and meditation practices are common there.
Des habitants du 2019 se détendent en compagnie d’amis. Plusieurs recherchent en ces lieux une forme de plénitude. La pratique du yoga et de la méditation y sont répandues. Residents of the 2019 are relaxing with friends. People are often looking for a sense of fullness in this building. Yoga and meditation practices are common there.



Only a few day left to apply to The Man and the Environment 2014

Only a few days to send your application to the competition Man and the Environment. Full details on the contest page.

"Buri Goalini, Sathkhira, Bangladesh"
“Buri Goalini, Sathkhira, Bangladesh”

[Photo by Claudio Cambon, winner of the 2013 edition]

Paris’s Les Nuits Photographiques

The 4th issue of Les Nuits Photographiques will take place in Le Pavillon Carré de Baudouin, Paris 20th district, from 12 June to 2 August 2014.
For photography, screen time, wall space or the turning pages of a book, are all dimensions and surfaces that can be used to experiment with the telling of stories and to dig deep into the narrative possibilities of the photographic image. This year, the exhibition offers a combination of printed photography, installations and photography on screen.

 2014 programme:
– 26, 27 & 28 June, from 8pm to 1am : 3 evenings of outdoor screenings of pictures in motion, on giant screens in the garden of Le Pavillon Carré de Baudouin.
– In 2014: the Pavillon Carré de Baudouin, will welcome, in a space of over 400 square metres, an exhibition bringing together established and emerging artists. This exhibition titled ‘‘HISTOIRES’‘ will be open to the public from 12 June to 2 August.
– Prizes will be awarded by a panel of international professional photographers, curators and critics.
– Again this year, we’re organising portfolio reviews, special screenings in the auditorium of Le Pavillon, an OPEN SHOW session, and a special event for photographers and moviemakers called Le Bar des Réalisateurs.

Event website

Photographers websites of the 2013 edition

Caroline Hayeur

Sarah Caron

Nadia Benchallal

Ami Vitale

Benedicte Kurzen

Lizzie Sadin

Alexandra Boulat

Ann Christine Woehrl

Maggie Steber

François Pesant

Nicolas Lévesque & Christian Lamontagne (Kahem)

Jacques Nadeau

Renaud Philippe

Édouard Plante- Fréchette

Valérian Mazataud

Posters Zoom Photo Festival 2013









Master class : production of photographic multimedia

Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay, meeting international photojournalism offers a workshop for a period of three days (1, 2, 3 November) on the production of photographic multimedia.

The workshop will focus on the theoretical aspect of multimedia. Starting with an introduction of the history of the multimedia format, we look at examples of different productions and form an analyses and opinion. Which types of multimedias exist and what can be useful for your future project? The second part of the workshop will be more practical. How do you start, what do you need and what platforms are available for the publication of your project? Finally we discuss a business model and present a new software application where participants can make their own I-pad application.

We expect from the participants that they prepare a presentation of their work. Together we will propose solutions to improve your project. Participants must bring their “laptop” and prepare a presentation of their work.

The masterclass will be given by Dutch photographer Dirk-Jan Visser and photo historian Michelle Q Hamers, winners of Anthropographia’s prize in  the multimedia category of this year.

Cost: $ 400

Maximum 15 participants.

Registration and payment is made ​​directly on our website in our online store.

Registration deadline : October 20 2013.

Helen is zwanger en illegaal

Winner of the 2013 edition of The Man and the Environment contest

"Prabaranna, Ramu, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh"
“Prabaranna, Ramu, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh”

Groupe Photo Média International and the Centre for Sustainable Development are pleased to announce the winner of the fourth edition of the photography contest The Man and the Environment organized by Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay, International Meeting of Photojournalism. The theme, Man and the Environment, proposes a look at the way Man, in the largest sense of the word, can be influenced by his environment, that is to say by the conditions, both natural and cultural, that make up the frame of his life and that are susceptible to have an impact on him.

The selection committee comprised of photographers Carolina Hayeur (Agence Stock Photo), Paul Chiasson (Canadian Press), Jacques Boissinot (Canadian Press), Jacques Nadeau (Le Devoir), Éric Côté (freelance photographer), Amélie Ferland-Dufresne (Director communications and programming, Centre for Sustainable Development) and Aude Crispel (Web developer, Centre for Sustainable Development) have chosen the story of french photographer Claudio Cambon.


Bangladesh is a country of immense cultural diversity, as evidenced by its many religious festivals. These allow people to discover the long history of different ethnic, religious and linguistic communities that make up this country too often depicted as poor and afflicted by disasters. These cultural groups have influenced each other and often borrowed from one another for centuries, if not thousands of years. The coexistence of these different groups and their convergence provide proof of a social fabric finely developed and of an interleaving now threatened by the deplorable growth of communalism.

"Charak Puja, Shivbari, Srimangal, Bangladesh"
“Charak Puja, Shivbari, Srimangal, Bangladesh”

I wanted to document these festivities, not only in order to enhance their already known aspects, but also in order to highlight their forgotten and endangered aspects.

"Buri Goalini, Sathkhira, Bangladesh"
“Buri Goalini, Sathkhira, Bangladesh”

Presentation of the video « Carré Rouge »

As part of the Summit on Higher Education which takes place on 25 and 26 February, Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay will present the video “Carré Rouge” on its website zoomphotofestival.ca. These photographs from Jacques Nadeau and the video were presented at Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay. To make this video, Romane LeGallou and Loriane Richard, students in ATM Cégep de Jonquière had access to thousands of photos taken by Le Devoir’s photographer. The video “Carré Rouge” was produced by Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay International meeting of photojournalism in conjunction with Art and Media Technology (ATM) CEGEP de Jonquière.

[fblike url=”http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zoom-Photo-Festival-Saguenay/169801163032501″ style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial” locale=”en_US”]


“Carré Rouge” Exposition

Few news photographers supply daily current affairs images that stand out like those of Jacques Nadeau.  Newspapers that appreciate the finesse of his work are even rarer.  As a reader, we develop a taste for quality. During the student protests in Quebec known as the ‘Printemps Érable’, Nadeau didn’t wait for the situation to degenerate before capturing the inventiveness of the protesters.  He was there for the audacious « maNUfestations» a nude protest; he was there for the ‘burial of universally accessible education’, the ‘Rite of spring’ concert, the first rumblings of demonstrations, and so on. A photo that reflects a frank account of current affairs as seen by the photographer and us, tells a complete story.  The image can stand alone in a book or, better yet, within the frame of an exhibit.

Text by : Marc-Yvan Poitras, Art history teacher

Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay will return from 29 October to 24 November 2013.

Presentation of Rémi Ochlik’s “Arab Spring” video

Saguenay, February 18, 2013 – To commemorate the death of photojournalist Rémi Ochlik, killed February 22, 2012 during a bombardment of the Syrian opposition neighborhoods in Homs, Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay present Rémi Ochlik’s “Arab Spring” who received several prestigious awards including the 1st prize in the general news category at the World Press Photo Awards 2012 for his work in Libya.

The video will be available on this page.

Revolutions exhibition moves to Boston

After being presented at La Pulperie de Chicoutimi / Musée régional in November 2012, the exhibition “Revolution” Remi Ochlik is presented free of charge until February 22 by The Consulate General of France in Boston at the prestigious Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University . The exhibition is a realization of Arnaud Brunet and Jean-François Leroy and was produced by Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay and La Pulperie de Chicoutimi / Musée régional. The exhibition was also praised by different media in Boston.

Retrospective of his career

Rémi Ochlik was only 28 years old when he died, but he had a great career as a photojournalist specializing in global conflicts. He spent the year 2011 covering the “Arab Spring” in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. After graduating from high school, he went to Paris to study photography at the School Icart Photo. In 2004, at the age of 20, he went to Haiti to cover riots during the fall of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. His work earned him the Prix François Chalais, the young reporter and his report was screened at the Festival Visa pour l’image. In 2005, he founded his own photographic agency called IP3 PRESS, with the aim of covering the news in Paris and conflicts around the world. During his career, he has covered many subjects, and his work has notably been published in Le Monde Magazine, VOD, Paris Match, Time Magazine and the Wall Street Journal.

Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay will return from 29 October to 24 November 2013.

The winners of the World Press Photo announced

The winners of the 2013 World Press Photo have been announced. The winner of the Photo of the Year is Paul Hansen, a Swedish photographer.


Gaza Burial
Two-year-old Suhaib Hijazi and his older brother Muhammad were killed when their house was destroyed by an Israeli missile strike. Their father Fouad was also killed and their mother was put in intensive care. Fouad’s brothers carry his children to the mosque for the burial ceremony as his body is carried behind on a stretcher.

This photo and all photos winning World Press Photo 2013 will be presented from November 1st at the Pulperie de Chicoutimi, Musée régional.

All winners of the World Press Photo 2013 at: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/awards/2013

Revolutions exhibition moves to Boston

The exhibition “Revolution” by photographer Rémi Ochlik, killed on February 22, 2012 in Homs is a realization of Arnaud Brunet and Jean-François Leroy. It is produced by Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay and the Chicoutimi Pulp, Regional Museum.

The Consulat Général de France of France in Boston and The Art Institute of Boston Lesley University presents the exhibition at the Art Institute of Boston until February 22. The exhibition is free and open to the public.

Address  :
The Art Institute of Boston (AIB)
Main Gallery
700 Beacon Street, Boston

Schedule  :
Monday to Saturday : 9h -18h
Sunday : 12h – 17h
For more Information : 617.585.6600

For more information about this event : http://www.consulfrance-boston.org/spip.php?article2793

3rd Edition : A success in numbers

Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay confirms the success of its third edition.

The total ridership Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay is estimated at 137,134 visitors in 2012, an increase of 24,926 visitors compared to 2011.

Local visitors represent 71.1% of the total attendance of the event; Excursionists (living more than 40 km in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean) constitute 14.2% of visitors and tourists (visitors from outside the region) form the other 14.7%;

Direct spending by visitors to the festival during their stay are 1 485 000 $.